Working From Home With Unicorns – A Digital Twist
No doubt the last few months have seen changes that none of us expected to see or were really prepared for, right?
Well my husband and I work from home online, and have done for a few years now.
Settling into it took a little time to learn how to build websites ourselves, but overall, to say it’s a pleasure is an understatement!
Being able to walk to and from school with our little girl as a family is one of the pleasures of our new life working from home in Australia.
So, when we had to go into isolation like the rest of Australia we had to make a couple of adjustments with our working from home arrangements…
But what was more challenging, we also had to step into being teachers too!
Not an easy transition for any parent, right?
In a Time of Uncertainty A Unicorn Website Is Built
Fast forward to our first weekend in isolation…
Our little girl, Alidia, confidently walked up to her Dad and asked: “Dad, can I buy something at the shops today?”
To which her Dad responded: “Well kiddo, do you have any websites making money yet?”
Alidia didn’t have to think about that for long: “Hmmmm no Dad”
About an hour or so later Alidia randomly asks another question: “Dad, can you help me build a website?”
Overhearing this with a smile, I asked her what she’d like it to be about.
Without skipping a beat… She jumps in excitement and bursts out….
So, as any parent would, we wanted to support her enthusiasm. We went along with her request and would you believe it… By the end of the weekend Alidia had her very first website! Crazy, right?
So we created an awesome fun website where we reviewed the best Unicorn toys for 2-5 year olds.
A Fun & Magical Team Effort To Build A Toddlers Unicorn Website
Now it was an all round team effort to go through the process to create this Unicorn toy review website.
Alidia’s Dad did some research, organised the domain name and set up a wordpress website in less than a day. I spent some time with Alidia saving some pictures that we liked.
We all contributed to the process to identify what articles we wanted to have written and posted to the website. It was certainly fun to explore the idea and start bringing the website to life.
After Alidia went to bed Saturday evening, I spent a few hours building the website. Mainly so that the next morning she could see her new website. AND, so we could easily add some of the images we’d saved the day before.
So Sunday came around and Alidia was still excited about her Unicorn website.
We did some more work on it together during the day… By the end of the weekend, we had a live Unicorn website.
All in all, it was such a great experience and we all had quite a bit of fun with it.
The Best Unicorn Stuff completed and posted in Week 1
So, fast forward a couple of days…
With an excited team member to join in on the fun, we received our first batch of articles!
Excited again to add some more to the website, I sat up late one night adding the content.
So in just 1 week we had a brand new website, with content to share and a daughter who started telling everyone about her new Unicorn website!
She is loving it just as much as we are in building and supporting her with it.
Unicorn Website Building – A Family Bonding Experience
Before the week ended (when Alidia was in her last days at school). She came home from school one day and asked us to take a seat. We sat down and gave her our full attention.
She slowly presented us with a big hand made card. It had a drawing of our family on the front and on the inside it read:
Dear Mum and Dad
Thank you for my unicorn website.
I love it!
Love from Alidia
Just quietly, between you and me… The sweetest thing was that my hubby got a little teary.
But the best part of all was that our hearts were full of joy – to share in something as a family! Something we can continue to enjoy!
Needless to say, Unicorns are now part of our family life – and we love it!
P.S. Alidia is very caring so if you’re ever feeling stressed, sad, mad or missing someone you love, she’d share the following advice:
“Stop thinking about that… just think about Unicorns! 21 flying, colourful unicorns!”
Inspired by:
Alidia 4 year old
Chief Unicorn Officer

Candice has a passion for creating beautiful websites that enable her to share her passion of creating a working from home lifestyle. Now that passion has expanded to supporting her daughter create her own website all about Best Unicorn Stuff for 2-5 year olds. – you can check out this website for yourself at: