Health and Wellbeing

How To Relax And Be Productive Working From Home

Working from home is the new normal for everyone in the world right now. Which means everyone is making do with what they already have set up for their work situations at home. Table and chairs that aren’t as high quality as the office chair and desk you’re used to and there’s the added stress of having the rest of your family at home full time too.

Experience relaxation and increase productivity using massage chairManaging your kids, work, food for everyone, your partner and your own health can be pretty challenging right now. Productivity will be a lot lower due to stress and less ‘me time’. But there are ways around managing this stress and actually improving productivity at home. Getting the best massage chair has never been more beneficial then now.

There has always been a need to be able to de-stress in a person’s life. But usually to do this you can go out and use services from professionals. This obviously isn’t an option right now. But! That does NOT mean you can’t bring those professional services home to you! Having the best massage chair accessible right from home whenever you need it can be your saving grace. Trust me, I’ve been there.


Best Health Benefits of a Massage Chair

There are so many health benefits that can help improve your mental and physical well-being to taking out just 10 minutes of your day for self-care. It can boost mood, immunity, energy and general well-being. Having a massage chair accessible can have direct impacts on the following:


Health Benefit 1: Reduces stress and anxiety significantly

By having a quick massage every day will lower the stress hormones in the body. You will find the mind will slow down and become calmer, leading to a relaxed mind, giving it a rest from the stress and anxiety.


Health Benefit 2: Reduces headaches and eye strain

These are formed due to muscle pain radiating to different parts of the body, which may occur from poor posture when sitting uncomfortably all day while working. Massages work on loosening these muscles.


Health Benefit 3: Lowers back pain and neck stiffness

Also similar to the above, having sore muscles will cause your back and neck to stiffen. If you’re looking at your computer all day, chances are you’re straining your neck. This will only get worse over time without giving the muscles some kind attention.


Health Benefit 4: Allows for better sleep

Having regular massages relieves muscle tension, prompting healthier blood flow and more serotonin being released. This will then give the body the ability to fall asleep more comfortably and quicker too.


Health Benefit 5: Improves productivity

This is so important at the moment. Having a regular break from everyday stresses can help to improve the ability of the mind to judge the stress signals and respond accordingly by improving the quality of thought and creativity.


Health Benefit 6: Increased blood flow

Having an increased blood flow to all the muscles in the body helps to eliminate toxins and muscles pain, which helps to give you the top performance. Having the best massage chair available for your at home work office has so many health benefits, both physically and mentally.


Health Benefit 7: Increases Immunity

If you are stressed, you’re more likely to get sick more frequently than if you aren’t under stress. It reduces stress and quality of sleep which are both big factors on how healthier you are, but having a regular massage also improves the body’s natural mechanism to fight again illnesses by reducing the T-cell count.


Getting the best massage chair for you

Best Massage Chair for work at home mumsHaving a chair massage available at a time like now can give you that deserved break all humans need. There are many options of massage chairs that can be suited for your living situation, where a full body massage chair might be the best option for you as it can work on many body parts such as legs and arms. Or having a portable massage chair that is aimed directly at the back and neck, for your work chair at home so you can have a massage while you work may be the most convenient and affordable option.

Massage chairs have become very user friendly to create the best experience for those who enjoy relaxation. Massage chairs have multiple different settings to accommodate all kinds of people, with heat options and making it feel like it’s a real human touch massage.

Regardless of your specific lifestyle, today’s life can stress you out and cause fatigue. To help reduce this stress, and experience the convenience and comfort of modern life, investing in the best massage chair for you at home will be perfect for the work from home lifestyle we’re being faced with right now.

Jessica Brown

Jessica Brown is passionate about health and wellbeing and runs the review site When she’s not working from her home office she’s taking time to look after her self-care, mental and physical health by using her home massage chairs.